In a dramatic clash over Local Welfare Provision (LWP) crisis and emergency grants, Bedford Borough Council’s Conservative administration has vehemently denied recent claims from the Liberal Democrats, labelling them as “dishonest nonsense”. The controversy centers around allegations that the vital financial assistance for residents facing emergencies had been suspended amid a review, which the Conservatives assert is misrepresented.

Liberal Democrats Raise Alarms Over Grant Suspension

Bedford Borough Council Conservatives Criticise Opposition’s “dishonest Nonsense”


The Liberal Democrats, spearheaded by Councillor Christine McHugh (Goldington), have raised concerns over the state of the Local Welfare Provision. According to the Lib Dems, the LWP crisis and emergency grants had been put on hold during an ongoing review instigated after a budget cut endorsed earlier in the year by both Conservative and Labour councillors. During a Budget Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on July 11, McHugh sought clarity on the amount of money available in the fund for residents, only to be informed that the allocated funds had been depleted.

"I am appalled that this vital service has been cut to nothing by the Conservatives without any notification. Residents in the borough facing a crisis deserve to have access to functioning sources of advice and support," McHugh stated. The Liberal Democrats reiterated their commitment to fighting these cuts, particularly as they impact the most vulnerable sections of the community.

Conservatives Counter Allegations

Responding robustly to the accusations, Councillor Graeme Coombes (Conservative, Wixams and Wilstead), portfolio holder for finance & corporate services, lambasted the assertions made by the Liberal Democrats, calling them factually incorrect. Coombes clarified that the Local Welfare Provision is presently under review but stressed that the council remains prepared to assist residents in need.

“Let me be clear, the Local Welfare Provision is under review and the council remains ready to assist anyone who finds themselves in difficulty,” Coombes asserted. He emphasized that the purpose of the review is to ensure more efficient use of resources, eliminating wasteful bureaucracy inherited from previous administrations. He noted, “We inherited a system from the Liberal Democrats that incurred approximately £74,000 in costs to administer just over £100,000 in grants.”

Labour Group Weighs In

The Labour Group has also expressed its apprehensions regarding the future of the Local Welfare Provision. Prior to the budget-setting Full Council meeting in February, Labour inquired about this issue. A spokesperson for the group highlighted that a complete non-provision of the service would be unacceptable. They were reassured by the portfolio holder for finance that the proposal aimed to eliminate current administration costs while maintaining the funding for grants. The potential involvement of third-sector organizations willing to administer the scheme was also mooted.

“Interest has been expressed in administering the scheme by at least one of these organizations. Furthermore, if the fund was transferred to a third sector partner, they might be able to bid for additional funding to supplement the council’s resources, such as House of Industry or other grant-giving charities,” the Labour spokesperson elaborated.

The Path Forward

The Labour Group has committed to following up with the Conservative administration to monitor progress on this front. Despite requests for a timeline on the completion of the review, the borough council did not respond at the time of publication. It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and what measures will be taken to ensure that the most vulnerable residents of Bedford Borough have access to necessary support during crises.