Plans for a new drive-through service at the KFC on Goldington Road in Bedford have encountered a delay as local councillors raise concerns about road safety and traffic congestion. The Planning Committee, which met on Monday, September 16, has decided to postpone their decision until after conducting a site visit during peak hours.

Safety Concerns Take Center Stage

The proposed expansion has sparked debate among committee members and local representatives. While the applicant's agent argues that the drive-through could potentially reduce on-site parking demand, councillors worry about the impact on traffic flow and safety, particularly given the restaurant's proximity to a roundabout and an industrial site entrance.

Drive-Through Proposal Sparks Debate

Concerns Over Road Safety Delay New Bedford Kfc Drive Thru Planning


The KFC restaurant on Goldington Road, which has been operating for over a year, is seeking to expand its services by adding a drive-through option. This proposal has ignited a heated discussion among local officials and residents, with concerns primarily focused on road safety and traffic congestion.

David Onions, representing the applicant Pegasus Group, argued that the drive-through could potentially alleviate parking demands on-site. He stated, "Customers would now have the option to use the drive-through lane rather than park in the car park and collect their own meals and then travelling on to their destination."

However, committee members expressed reservations about the plan's feasibility during peak hours. Committee chair, Councillor Jonathan Abbott, raised a pertinent question: "What will happen if on a Friday or Saturday night when it is busy, people are ordering food and the food isn't ready and there's nowhere for those drivers to be parked up to be passed their food?"

Traffic and Safety Concerns

The restaurant's location, situated near a roundabout and an industrial site entrance, has amplified worries about potential traffic disruptions. Councillor Christine McHugh, speaking as the ward representative, highlighted these concerns: "The issue about this site is that it's just off the roundabout, and then it's close to an entrance to an industrial site. And there's going to be an increased load on this roundabout from the recent outline planning permission for an industrial site south of Goldington Road."

McHugh emphasised that these objections stem from genuine safety concerns rather than mere opposition to development. She stated, "Our great fear is for shunts happening, that somebody slows down to go into the site and get shunted. This is not nimbyism, this is a genuine concern that road safety will get worse."

In response to these apprehensions, Mr. Onions assured the committee that the proposed design is "substantial enough" to handle busy periods. He claimed, "In terms of restaurants of this type this property has a drive-through stack that's well in excess of units of a similar size, [to] enable most vehicles to wait in that queue off the public highway."

Committee's Decision and Next Steps

Given the complexity of the issue and the need for firsthand observation, Councillor Wendy Rider suggested that the committee conduct a site visit during peak hours. She recommended visiting "on a Friday or a Saturday, because there's no point in going to see it when it's a quiet period."

Heeding this advice, the Planning Committee agreed to postpone their decision until after a site visit. The exact date and time for this inspection are yet to be determined. This deferral will allow committee members to assess the potential impact of the drive-through service on traffic flow and road safety during busy periods, providing valuable insights to inform their final decision.

Community Impact and Future Considerations

The proposed KFC drive-through on Goldington Road has become a focal point for broader discussions about urban development and community well-being in Bedford. While the potential economic benefits of expanded business operations are evident, the debate highlights the delicate balance between commercial growth and maintaining the quality of life for local residents.

The Planning Committee's decision to conduct a site visit during peak hours demonstrates a commitment to evidence-based decision-making. This approach may set a precedent for future development proposals, encouraging a more thorough evaluation of potential impacts on the local infrastructure and community.

Balancing Progress and Preservation

As Bedford continues to grow and evolve, the KFC drive-through proposal serves as a microcosm of the challenges faced by many towns and cities. The need to accommodate modern consumer preferences must be weighed against the preservation of smooth traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

The outcome of this planning decision could influence future development strategies in Bedford, potentially shaping how the town approaches similar proposals in the future. It may also prompt a wider discussion about sustainable urban planning and the role of fast-food establishments in local communities.

Looking Ahead: Potential Outcomes and Implications

The Planning Committee's final decision, following their site visit, will be closely watched by various stakeholders. If approved, the drive-through could set a new standard for traffic management and safety measures for similar establishments in the area. Conversely, a rejection might prompt businesses to reconsider their expansion strategies and explore alternative ways to enhance customer convenience without compromising local infrastructure.

Regardless of the outcome, this case underscores the importance of community engagement in local planning decisions. It demonstrates how the concerns of residents can shape the development of their neighborhoods and influence the decisions of both businesses and local authorities.

As Bedford navigates this complex issue, the resolution of the KFC drive-through proposal may well become a benchmark for future planning decisions, balancing commercial interests with community welfare in an ever-evolving urban landscape.