Campaign Launched to Support Victims of Hurricane Beryl, Including Bedfordian's Elderly Parents

A comprehensive campaign has been initiated to aid the 6,000 inhabitants of the diminutive Caribbean island of Carriacou, who have been significantly impacted by the devastating Hurricane Beryl.

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Urgent Need for Supplies Amidst Destruction

The islanders are in desperate need of essential supplies following the hurricane's wreckage. With their homes and possessions obliterated, there's an urgent call for clothes, underwear, footwear, non-prescription medicines, sanitary products, basic building materials, rope, and tarpaulin.

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Hurricane Beryl's Destructive Impact

Hurricane Beryl struck Carriacou, a Grenadan isle situated in the eastern Caribbean, on Monday, July 1st. Within just half an hour after the storm's landfall, reports indicated that the island had been "flattened."

CBS News reported an "Almost total damage or destruction of all buildings, whether they be public buildings, homes or other private facilities," according to Grenada's Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell.

He added, "Complete devastation and destruction of agriculture. Complete and total destruction of the natural environment. There is literally no vegetation left anywhere on the island of Carriacou." The campaign also aims to assist the nearby island Petit Martinique, which suffered similar devastation.

Massive Damage to Infrastructure

The hurricane tore off 95 percent of building roofs across Carriacou and Petit Martinique. Additionally, it caused an "almost complete destruction" of the electrical grid on Carriacou Island, leaving residents without essential services.

Personal Story: Bedfordian's Parents Among the Affected

David Lambert, a local builder from Bedford, has elderly parents living on Carriacou. He is now actively working to garner support for the islanders, including his own family. With all communications severed, David had no information about the safety of his 83-year-old father Chris and 78-year-old mother Angela until a cousin made contact three days later, alleviating his concerns.

Separated and Struggling

Their home has been severely damaged by the 160mph winds and torrential rain. Currently, no one on the 13 square mile island has access to electricity or freshwater supplies. Adding to the distress, David's father is now in hospital, separated from his mother, which has heightened the family's anxiety during this challenging time when "loved ones should be together," as David poignantly noted.

How to Contribute

Donations of clothes, underwear, footwear, non-prescription medicines, sanitary products, basic building materials, rope, and tarpaulin can be dropped off at Sauce Experience, Unit 59 Murdock Rd, Manton Land Industrial Estate, MK41 7PL.

Financial contributions to support David's family and other hurricane victims can be made here. Further information is available on their Facebook page.