In a heated exchange over the financial management of Bedford Borough Council, the Conservative cabinet has found itself under fire from the Liberal Democrats, who are accusing the ruling party of recklessly depleting council savings and jeopardising the council's ability to withstand future economic challenges. The Liberal Democrats claim that projections indicate the council’s reserves could be reduced by nearly £30 million by March 2025, presenting serious concerns about the council's financial stability.

Alarming Rate of Depletion

According to the latest reports, Bedford Borough Council had reserves totaling £56.9 million as of March 31, 2023. However, financial forecasts predict these reserves could plummet to as low as £27.2 million, a staggering decrease of 52 percent within just two years. Critics have been quick to label this trend as ‘burning through reserves at an alarming rate,’ suggesting that such a rapid erosion of financial safety nets will leave the council vulnerable in times of fiscal hardship.

Cllr Michael Headley, the Bedford Liberal Democrats’ spokesperson on budget and finance, has expressed deep concerns over the current administration’s approach. He stated, “This administration is rapidly undoing all the good work we did to put this council on a sound footing that would weather any of the storms ahead.” Cllr Headley emphasized the importance of long-term financial planning and warned that the current strategy resembles a ‘buy now – pay later’ scheme, potentially leading to greater issues down the road.

Responses from the Conservative Cabinet

Borough Conservatives accused of putting council at risk by “burning through” savings


In response to the accusations, Graeme Coombes, the portfolio holder for finance and leader of the Bedford Borough Conservative group, fiercely defended the council's spending practices. He argued that reserves have been utilised appropriately for earmarked purposes, including vital updates and replacements of outdated IT equipment and significant maintenance works on council properties. Coombes claimed that the Liberal Democrats had previously chosen to hoard taxpayer funds instead of investing in necessary infrastructure improvements, ultimately allowing some services to fall into disrepair.

“We have made a political choice to use reserves to ensure equipment and services get back up and running to a good standard,” Coombes asserted. “Bedford Borough’s Conservative Councillors believe it is right to invest in Council services and improve them, and not let them fall into rack and ruin like the Liberal Democrats did.”

The Role of Local Government Association

The ongoing debate highlights broader concerns raised by the Local Government Association (LGA), which has long cautioned against using council reserves to fill recurring budget gaps. The LGA stresses that reserves should be allocated for known risks or emergencies, rather than being drained for ongoing operational costs. In light of the current fiscal climate, including a reported funding gap of £2.4 billion for councils this year and an additional £1.6 billion next year, the LGA has warned that depleting reserves could lead to severe long-term financial difficulties.

As local authorities grapple with increasing pressures, the LGA has called for a more sustainable funding model to support councils, urging the government to consider multi-year financial settlements to facilitate better financial planning and service delivery.

Future Considerations

The implications of the current debate extend beyond immediate financial management; they touch upon fundamental questions regarding the sustainability of local governance and the essential services that councils provide to their communities. Both Conservatives and Liberal Democrats will need to articulate their visions for responsible financial stewardship in an uncertain economic environment.

As the situation continues to unfold, residents of Bedford Borough watch closely, aware that the decisions made today will shape the capacity of their council to respond to future challenges. With calls for greater accountability and transparency in financial management resounding from the electorate, both parties may need to reassess their strategies to secure the trust and support of the community they serve.