A New Government, a Fresh Start, and Better Times Ahead

The Bedford Borough Labour Group is thrilled to celebrate the re-election of Mohammad Yasin as MP for Bedford & Kempston. Securing a significant majority, Yasin’s victory reflects the robust support and recognition from local residents for his relentless dedication and exemplary service. This win not only reinforces Yasin’s commitment but also positions him as an integral part of the sweeping Labour majority in Parliament.

Source : https://www.bedfordindependent.co.uk/a-new-government-a-fresh-start-and-better-times-ahead/

Recognising Hard Work and Community Commitment

It is indeed heartening that the electorate has acknowledged the tireless efforts of Mohammad Yasin and his team. Their unwavering commitment to serving the community has evidently resonated with the people of Bedford and Kempston, leading to such a resounding mandate. The Labour Group will continue to synergise closely with Yasin to further our shared goals of community upliftment and progressive governance.

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Addressing the Legacy of Austerity

There is a sobering acknowledgment that the severe austerity measures and deteriorating conditions imposed by the Conservative government over the past 14 years cannot be undone overnight. Nevertheless, the advent of a Labour government introduces a refreshing wave of optimism and a renewed focus on ethical governance aimed at genuinely serving the public interest.

Embracing Change with Optimism

The nation's sentiment has been one of fatigue and despondency, but now there is a palpable sense of opportunity and anticipation for positive change. As someone deeply entrenched in the energy sector, I am particularly encouraged by Labour's promise to establish GB Energy—a visionary project combining public and private enterprises to explore green energy innovations and steadfastly pursue net-zero targets.

Advocating for Fair Work Practices

As a staunch supporter of the trade union movement, I wholeheartedly endorse Labour’s initiatives to ensure fair compensation for work. Among these are plans to implement a true living wage, prohibit exploitative zero-hour contracts, and abolish the detrimental 'fire and rehire' practices currently affecting many workers.

Addressing Job Insecurity and Housing Costs

Mohammad Yasin MP & Cllr Carl Meader. Image: Bedford Labour Group
Mohammad Yasin MP & Cllr Carl Meader. Image: Bedford Labour Group

Labour Group Borough councillors are keenly aware of the prevailing job insecurity and skyrocketing housing costs that plague many of our residents. Addressing these issues through sustainable and fair solutions is imperative to instill a sense of security and worthiness among all workers.

The Universal Project: Boosting Local and National Economies

With full backing from our group, the Universal project promises substantial economic benefits, not only for the local economy but for the nation as a whole. Through continuous collaboration with council officers and councillors across party lines, we aim to drive projects that enhance the quality of life for Bedford and Kempston residents.

A Return to Grown-Up Politics

The return of a Labour Government symbolises a shift towards more mature, issue-focused politics. The excessive emphasis on personality politics and internal party disputes has long detracted from meaningful governance. It is time for elected officials across all political spectrum levels to commit to their roles earnestly