Residents and regular users of Bedford Park have voiced their displeasure with the Borough Council over the prolonged delay in repairing areas damaged by recent events. During last week’s Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 18 July, concerned citizens made it clear that their patience is wearing thin.

Contentious Decision and Persistent Problems

John Copeland, a resident living near Bedford Park, was among those who raised concerns. He recounted the contentious decision to host the Winter Wonderland event at the park, a choice that faced significant opposition due to the potential for environmental damage. “The weather was appalling, both during and immediately after the event,” he explained to the committee. The council had initially put up signs indicating that reinstatement works would take place once the ground had dried out.

Despite some efforts to repair the damage, including spiking the ground and reseeding, Mr. Copeland reported that the park remains in poor condition. “I saw somebody driving a tractor and spiking the ground months ago. And more recently some grass has grown, so it has been obviously reseeded. But overall, it's still in very poor condition,” he remarked.

Council’s Response and Future Actions


Paul Pace, the council's chief officer of environment, acknowledged the ongoing issues and assured residents that the grounds maintenance team is actively working on repairs. He pointed out that additional damage was caused during the dismantling of the main stage from the Bedford concerts due to an untimely downpour.

“The crews have been on from the grounds to try and repair that as quickly as possible and as good as they can to get it back to a good condition,” Pace said. He also noted that while some sections of the park have been addressed, other areas still require attention and will be worked on in the upcoming weeks.

Residents Demand Accountability

Mr. Copeland, speaking on behalf of many concerned park users, expressed frustration with the slow progress and perceived lack of thoroughness in the repairs. “Thank you for that, there are a number of people that keep a very close eye on the Park and they will be watching carefully to see if you achieve,” he stated, underscoring the community’s determination to hold the council accountable.

The council's commitment to completing the reinstatement works remains under scrutiny as residents continue to monitor the situation closely, hoping for swift and effective resolution of the damages inflicted on Bedford Park.

by John Guinn
Local Democracy Reporter