In an incident that has drawn comparisons to the hit zombie movie "Shaun of the Dead," a prolific shoplifter was arrested in Bedford despite her friends' attempts to interfere with the apprehending officer. The episode unfolded with a blend of farce and determination, drawing the attention and amusement of onlookers.

The Arrest

On Wednesday afternoon, a community support officer (PCSO) from Bedfordshire Police identified the suspect, known for her frequent shoplifting activities. As the officer moved in to make the arrest, the shoplifter’s friends suddenly intervened, attempting to thwart the officer's efforts. The ensuing scuffle bore an uncanny resemblance to the chaotic and comedic sequences characteristic of the cult classic film "Shaun of the Dead."

A Scene Straight Out of a Movie

Prolific Shoplifter Nicked In Bedford In 'shaun Of The Dead' Style Arrest


Witnesses reported that the intervention by the shoplifter’s companions only added to the chaos. Much like the hapless but endearing protagonists of the movie, the friends’ efforts were disorganised and ultimately futile. They attempted to encircle the PCSO, hinder his movements, and provide the suspect with an opportunity to escape. However, their efforts were no match for the officer’s training and resolve.

One eyewitness, Jane Turner, described the scene: “It was almost like watching a comedy film unfold right in front of you. They were bumping into each other and trying to grab the officer, but he managed to keep his cool and get the situation under control. It reminded me so much of 'Shaun of the Dead' with all the pandemonium.”

Police Response and Public Reaction

The Bedfordshire Police were swift to commend their officer's calm and professional handling of the situation. “Despite the unconventional and rather humorous distraction tactics employed by the suspect's companions, our officer demonstrated commendable restraint and professionalism,” said a spokesperson for the force. “This arrest is a testament to the dedication of our officers in keeping our communities safe.”

The local community's response has been one of mixed reactions—ranging from amusement to serious concern over the crime spree perpetrated by the suspect. Residents have lauded the police's quick action but also called for stronger measures to prevent such incidents in the future.


Ultimately, this arrest highlights both the challenges and the sometimes bizarre nature of police work. While the comparison to "Shaun of the Dead" adds a humorous twist, it underscores the reality faced by officers in dealing with repeat offenders and the unpredictable nature of their accomplices. As the investigation continues, the Bedfordshire Police remain vigilant in their efforts to maintain peace and safety in the community.