Bedfordshire Games Return for 35th Anniversary Event at Athletics Stadium

An event aimed at inclusion in sport is returning this Summer with the Bedfordshire Games celebrating its 35th year as competitors from across the county converge on the Bedford International Athletics Stadium.


The Return of a Cherished Tradition

The Bedfordshire Games will return to the Bedford International Athletics Stadium on 9 July, providing a unique opportunity for adults with learning disabilities from across the county to compete. First making an appearance back in 1989, participants get to achieve and succeed in a full range of athletics events, with over 250 competitors due to take part for this latest edition.

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Community Spirit and Volunteer Efforts

The Games rely on charitable donations and the time of a small but committed group of volunteers, all aiming to make the event as fun and inclusive as possible, with all events taking place in a supportive atmosphere. Last year, over 300 competitors took part in 74 track and field events, with a similar number turning out this year along with members of the local community to help administer and volunteer, ensuring a celebratory afternoon of sporting action.

Competitor from Cordova House in competition in 2023
Cordova House will return with a number of athletes competing Image: LEAD Technologies Inc.

A Day of Festivities

The event will be opened by cheerleaders from Biddenham Upper School, and African Drummers from Nkiru Arts in Milton Keynes will perform during the lunch break, adding to the festivities. “The Games never fail to inspire and delight in the enjoyment and sense of achievement they give to participants who often don’t get opportunities to participate in sport,” said Carly Jordan from the Bedfordshire Games committee. “The Bedfordshire Games are always looking for new volunteers and sponsors as it runs on a very tight budget and with a small, committed core group.”

A competitor running in the Bedfordshire Games in 2023
The athletes will be hoping for better weather on 9th July Image: Bedfordshire Games

Event Details

The Games take place between 10.30am and 2.30pm at Bedford International Athletics Stadium, with free entry for everyone wishing to come along and support the competitors. Join us in celebrating the outstanding achievements and joy that the Bedfordshire Games brings to our community every year.