In an effort to foster a safer and fairer community, Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is reaching out to local residents for their views and suggestions. This initiative is aimed at shaping a comprehensive two-part police and crime plan, which will outline strategies to address various safety and justice issues across the county.

Your Opinion Matters: Participate in the Survey


The PCC is urging the public to participate in a survey designed to gather valuable insights from those who live and work in Bedfordshire. This survey represents a unique opportunity for citizens to directly influence the priorities and initiatives of the local police force. By contributing their perspectives, residents can help ensure that the new crime plan effectively addresses the needs and concerns of their communities.

A Two-Part Approach to Safety and Fairness

The proposed plan will be divided into two distinct parts, each focusing on critical aspects of law enforcement and community well-being. The first part will concentrate on immediate measures to enhance public safety, including crime prevention, police response times, and support for victims of crime. The second part will address broader, systemic issues aimed at fostering fairness and equity within the justice system, such as tackling racial disparities, improving transparency, and ensuring equal treatment under the law.

Engaging the Community: A Collaborative Effort

The PCC emphasises the importance of community engagement in developing an effective crime plan. “We are committed to creating a safer and fairer Bedfordshire, and we believe that this goal can only be achieved with the active participation of our residents,” said the PCC. “By sharing your experiences, concerns, and ideas, you will play a vital role in shaping the future of policing and justice in our county.”

How to Participate

Residents can take part in the survey by visiting the official Bedfordshire PCC website. The survey is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to provide their input. All responses are confidential, and the findings will be used solely for the purpose of informing the new crime plan.

Looking Ahead: The Impact of Your Participation

The feedback collected through the survey will be instrumental in guiding the PCC and local law enforcement agencies as they develop policies and allocate resources. The ultimate aim is to create a strategic approach that not only addresses crime but also builds trust and cooperation between the police and the communities they serve.

The PCC is optimistic that with the collective effort and insight of Bedfordshire’s residents, the new police and crime plan will pave the way for a more secure and just future for everyone in the county.

Your opinion matters—take the survey today and help shape a safer, fairer Bedfordshire.