In an extraordinary display of endurance and dedication, Biggleswade carpenter Phillip Moss has just completed a grueling challenge: running 10 marathons in 10 days. But this feat wasn’t just for personal achievement; it was driven by a heartfelt mission—to support his granddaughter's gymnastics club.

A Late Start, But A Fast Track to Success

Phillip Moss, a 60-year-old carpenter from Biggleswade, didn’t always consider himself a marathon runner. In fact, he came to marathons relatively late in life. It wasn’t until he participated in the 2020 London Marathon that he discovered his passion for long-distance running. Bitten by the bug, Moss has been an enthusiastic competitor ever since.

"I never thought I'd be a marathon runner," Moss reflects. "But once I crossed that finish line in London, I knew I had found something special."

An Incredible Challenge

Biggleswade Carpenter Runs 10 Marathons In 10 Days To Help Granddaughter's Gymnastics Club


When Moss heard that his granddaughter's gymnastics club was in need of funding for new equipment and facility upgrades, he decided to take his passion to the next level. Determined to make a significant contribution, he set his sights on an ambitious goal: running 10 marathons in 10 consecutive days.

Training for such a demanding endeavor required immense discipline and commitment. Moss followed a strict regimen, balancing his carpentry work with rigorous training sessions. "It was tough managing both," he admits. "But knowing that I was doing it for my granddaughter and her teammates made every moment worthwhile."

The Journey and the Community Support

As Moss embarked on his 10-day marathon journey, he was met with overwhelming support from the local community. Residents of Biggleswade lined the streets to cheer him on, and many even joined him for parts of his runs. Social media buzzed with encouragement and pledges, and donations began pouring in from across the region.

"The community's support was incredible," says Moss. "Every cheer, every donation—it all kept me going. I couldn’t have done it without them."

Mission Accomplished

Upon completing his final marathon, Moss was greeted with a hero’s welcome. The combined efforts resulted in raising over £50,000 for the gymnastics club, far exceeding their initial target. This significant sum will go a long way toward providing better facilities and opportunities for young gymnasts in Biggleswade.

"It feels amazing to have finished," says a visibly emotional Moss. "But the real reward is knowing that these funds will help so many kids pursue their passion for gymnastics."

A Legacy of Inspiration

Phillip Moss’s story is not just about running marathons; it’s about the inspirational power of determination and community. He has shown that it's never too late to start something new and that one person can make a significant difference. His journey serves as a powerful reminder that with heart and perseverance, incredible things can be achieved.

As Moss hangs up his running shoes—for now—Biggleswade celebrates not just a heroic runner, but a grandfather whose love and commitment have left an indelible mark on the community.