The medieval splendour of St Paul's Church in Bedford has been beautifully restored with the re-dedication of rare statues of St Peter and St Paul. These distinguished figures, dating from the 1480s, have remained hidden from public view for the past 50 years but have now found a new home within the church's hallowed walls.

A Long-Awaited Homecoming

Two rare medieval statues depicting St Peter and St Paul have been erected inside the North Porch entrance of St Paul's Church in Bedford. Identified by the classic symbols—a key for St Peter and a sword for St Paul—these figures have reclaimed their place in the public eye after half a century in storage. The statues had been suffering from severe deterioration due to age and pollution when they were positioned outside the South Porch of the church.

This long-awaited homecoming was made possible through meticulous conservation efforts by Simon Swann Associates Ltd., Beccles. The newly designed display positions the statues on elevated plinths at an optimal height, enhanced by an imaginative lighting setup featuring a partly glassed-over roof and strategic spotlighting.

Ceremony of Re-dedication


To mark this significant restoration milestone, a special ceremony was held to re-dedicate the North Porch entrance. Bishop Richard Atkinson led the solemn proceedings, blessing the statues with holy water and incense. Speaking at the event, Bishop Atkinson highlighted the spiritual symbolism of the figures. "Peter draws us in to be renewed – to ensure we are rooted securely in Christ. Paul calls us out to transform lives and society," he said.

(l-r) St Paul with his sword North Porch and St Peter with key to the kingdom of Heaven. Image: St Paul's church, Bedford
(l-r) St Paul with his sword North Porch and St Peter with key to the kingdom of Heaven. Image: St Paul’s church, Bedford

Community Rejoices

The reinstallation of these treasured figures wasn’t without its struggles. For many years, the church community battled to secure approval from the St Albans Diocese to move the statues inside the church. The remarkable journey to this triumphant moment was significantly supported by the Dorothy Hilda Porter Trust, which funded the long-term repairs and maintenance of St Paul’s fabric.

The scheme itself was meticulously crafted by church architect Michael Dales, whose vision ensured the statues not only found a safe and protected environment but also an aesthetically pleasing placement that augments the church’s historical aura.

A New Era for St Paul's

The return and re-dedication of these medieval figures have injected a renewed sense of history and reverence into St Paul's Church. As parishioners and visitors alike marvel at the statues under their new illumination, the church once again stands as a testament to the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of Bedford.

This extraordinary event marks the beginning of a new chapter for St Paul's, one where the wisdom and legacy of saints Peter and Paul will continue to inspire future generations.