Ruth Wilkes, the Federation Principal of Castle Newnham School, is retiring after a remarkable decade of dedicated leadership and an impressive 35-year career in education. Her departure marks the end of an era, as she has played an instrumental role in shaping the school's direction and fostering a spirit of community among families, staff, and students.

A Journey Through Education

Castle Newnham bids farewell to longstanding principal


Ruth Wilkes began her illustrious career as a French teacher, a role that ignited her passion for education and led her to numerous leadership and advisory positions across the country. Over the years, Ruth's commitment to improving educational standards and nurturing young minds has been unwavering. Her leadership at Castle Newnham saw the successful merger of Castle Lower and Newnham Middle schools, setting a precedent for collaboration and unity within the educational landscape.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Tom Barwood, Chair of the Governors, praised Ruth's impact on the school, stating, "Ruth’s impact on Castle Newnham cannot be overstated. Her vision and unwavering dedication have propelled the school to new heights. From the early days of federation between the two previous schools to fostering a strong sense of community and togetherness, Ruth leaves an indelible mark on the families, staff, and pupils."

Reflections from Ruth Wilkes

Reflecting on her time at Castle Newnham, Ruth expressed her gratitude, saying, "It has been an absolute privilege to lead Castle Newnham for the past decade. I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished together as a school community. The dedication of our staff, the enthusiasm of our pupils, and the unwavering support and warmth of our families have been the recipe of our success."

A New Chapter for Castle Newnham

While Ruth’s retirement signifies the closing of one chapter, it also opens the door to exciting developments at Castle Newnham. Starting in September, the school will formally join the Bedfordshire Schools Trust (BEST), positioning it for further growth and collaboration. The school will continue under the guidance of current Headteachers Kat Edwards and Sara Levesley, who are committed to building on the strong foundation laid by Ruth and ensuring the legacy of excellence in education continues.


As Castle Newnham bids farewell to Ruth Wilkes, the community reflects on a decade of progress and achievement. Ruth's influence will undoubtedly resonate for years to come, but her retirement paves the way for new leadership and opportunities as the school embraces its future with renewed vigor and ambition.