Corrections and Clarifications
At, we are committed to accurate, fair, and transparent journalism. We take our responsibility to our readers seriously and strive to correct any errors promptly.
How We Handle Corrections
- We correct factual errors as quickly as possible, both in the original article and in a separate correction notice on this page.
- For minor errors (e.g., typos, misspellings) that don't significantly affect the meaning of an article, we may simply correct the original without a separate notice.
- For more substantial errors, we will publish a correction both within the article itself and on this page.
- In cases of serious mistakes that fundamentally change the meaning of a story, we may choose to rewrite and republish the article with a clear explanation of the changes.
- Corrections are dated and explain what was incorrect and what is now correct.
- We maintain an archive of corrections for transparency and accountability.
How to Report an Error
We encourage our readers to report any factual errors or clarifications needed in our reporting. To do so, please:
- Email: [email protected]
- Use the subject line: "Correction Request"
- Include the article title, date, and URL (if online)
- Clearly explain what you believe is incorrect and provide supporting evidence if possible
We aim to respond to all correction requests within 48 hours.
Our Commitment to Accuracy is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity. We regularly review our editorial processes to minimise errors and ensure the accuracy of our reporting. When mistakes occur, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently.
This corrections and clarifications page is updated regularly. We recommend checking back for the most current information.
Last updated: 28th July 2024