Labour Celebrates Resounding Victory in Bedford & Kempston

In a memorable night for the Labour Party, Mohammad Yasin has secured a decisive third term as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Bedford & Kempston. The 2023 election results saw Yasin achieve a commanding majority, highlighting a significant shift in voter sentiment in this key constituency.



The Labour Party retained its stronghold in Bedford & Kempston with Mohammad Yasin celebrating a substantial increase in his majority. First elected in 2017, Yasin’s victory marks his third consecutive term, underscoring his growing support among constituents. This year, he achieved a majority of 9,430 votes, a stark contrast to his slim margin of 145 votes in the previous election.

Election Results and Voter Turnout

The voters of Bedford & Kempston turned out in considerable numbers, with a turnout rate of 56.4 per cent, totaling 40,879 votes cast. While this represents a decrease from the 66 per cent turnout in 2019, it did not hinder Labour's sweeping success. The breakdown of votes is as follows:

  • Mohammad Yasin (Labour): 18,342 votes
  • Pinder Chauhan (Conservative): 8,912 votes
  • Ben Foley (Green): 2,394 votes
  • Matt Lansley (Reform UK): 4,548 votes
  • Henry Vann (Liberal Democrat): 4,025 votes
  • Prince Sadiq Chaudhury (Workers Party of Britain): 996 votes
  • Tarek Javed (Independent): 1,442 votes

Candidate Background

Born in 1971 in Pakistan, Mohammad Yasin moved to the United Kingdom in his early twenties. Prior to his parliamentary career, he served as a councillor for the Queens Park ward in Bedford Borough from 2006 to 2019. His continued political dedication and active involvement in local governance have undoubtedly contributed to his strong connection with the community and his successive electoral victories.

Mohammad Yasin's Statement

Following the announcement of his victory, Mohammad Yasin MP expressed heartfelt gratitude towards his constituents. He said, "I would like to thank the people of Bedford and Kempston who re-elected me with a huge majority. They have rejected Conservative government policies and their leadership." His statement clearly reflects the local electorate's desire for change and their confidence in Labour’s vision for the future.

Implications for National Politics

Labour's triumph in Bedford & Kempston may signal broader national trends ahead of future elections. The significant increase in Yasin's majority indicates diminishing support for the Conservative Party in traditionally competitive regions. With Bedford & Kempston now firmly under Labour control, the party can leverage this victory to build momentum in other constituencies.

Concluding Remarks

As the dust settles on an unforgettable night for Labour, Mohammad Yasin’s emphatic win in Bedford & Kempston stands as a testament to his effective representation and the electorate’s trust in his leadership. As the newly re-elected MP, Yasin will continue to champion the interests of his constituents, drawing upon his extensive experience and deep-rooted commitment to the community.

by John Guinn
Local Democracy Reporter