Plans for 179 New Bromham Homes Face Scrutiny Despite Previous Rejection

Plans for 179 new homes in Bromham have been resubmitted to the council, sparking controversy and objections despite echoes of a similar application that was refused in 2017. The latest proposal is raising eyebrows among local residents and council members who are questioning if this new submission is substantially different from the one previously rejected.


Details of the New Proposal

The planning application, submitted to Bedford Borough Council, pertains to a site located north of Northampton Road in Bromham. The applicant has proposed the construction of up to 179 residential dwellings, which will include public open spaces, landscaping, and associated infrastructure. They argue that this represents a "highly sustainable form of development" and is aligned with the growth targets outlined in the Development Plan for Bedford Borough, extending to the years 2030 and beyond.

Further details reveal that the development will offer a mix of dwelling types and sizes, with approximately 30 per cent (up to 54 homes) being designated as affordable and policy-compliant housing. The aim is to cater to a diverse range of housing needs within the community.

Objections and Concerns

Despite the applicant's assurances, objections have been raised by local residents. One objector pointed out that the new plans are "not materially different" from those rejected in 2017. They further highlighted that the site is outside of the agreed neighbourhood plan, which raises questions about its suitability for development.

Another objection on the council’s planning portal emphasised that the application does not align with the village plans for 2030 or the proposed 2040 plan. Additionally, concerns have been raised regarding the use of prime agricultural land. The objector noted that the site constitutes Grade 3a and 3b agricultural land, which could impact the overall agricultural resources in the Bedford area if developed.

Previous Application Refusal

An outline application for residential development on the same site was refused in September 2017. The previous proposal included plans for up to 200 dwellings, along with open space and associated works. The reasons for refusal at the time cited that the development would result in "residential use inappropriately located in the open countryside" and that it would be "harmful to the character and appearance of the rural area".

Council’s Decision Timeline

More information on the new application can be accessed via the council’s planning portal under reference number 24/01026/MAO. Interested parties and residents have until Tuesday, 23 July 2024, to participate in the consultation process and voice their support or concerns regarding the development.

By John Guinn
Local Democracy Reporter