Since the transition of Bedford Borough’s leisure centres to Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL) in February, there has been a notable shift in public sentiment, according to feedback received. GLL reports a largely positive reception with minimal complaints from users, indicating a successful management handover.

Customer Satisfaction Reflects Smooth Transition

During the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on July 18th, Councillor Colleen Atkins (Labour, Harpur) acknowledged the increase in public interest and commentary about the leisure centres. She noted that this rise in feedback is a testament to the community’s engagement with the facilities.

“You can take that as a real compliment,” cllr Atkins told the GLL representatives, highlighting the significance of the increased user interest.

Gillan Kelly, GLL’s partnership manager, affirmed the positive transition. “The response from customers has been positive,” he said to the committee. “We’ve had lots of positive feedback and minimal complaints, which is a good indication of how the transfer went.”

Improvements and Upgrades Implemented

New Bedford Borough Leisure Operator Says Customer Feedback About Them Has Been “positive”


Since taking over, GLL has embarked on a series of improvements across various centres to enhance user experience. One major accomplishment mentioned was the reopening of the Oasis Beach Pool on May 20th. Although work continues behind the scenes, this reopening marks a significant milestone in their operational upgrades.

Kelly elaborated on specific improvements, citing the modernisation of reception areas at Oasis Beach Pool. These changes have created a more welcoming and open-plan space for visitors. Other notable upgrades include addressing cleanliness and standards within the centres. For instance, the changing village at Robinson Pool, a long-standing concern for users, has seen increased cleaning regimes and aesthetic enhancements.

Optimising Space and Staff Morale

The committee also learned about GLL's efforts to repurpose underutilised spaces. At John Bunyan, for example, an unused room has been transformed into a venue for children’s parties and meetings, augmenting the existing soft play offering.

Emphasising the importance of staff welfare, Kelly noted, “It was important for us that staff areas were enhanced as well. We want staff to feel proud of the areas that they work in and they carry that professionalism with them.”

Future Plans and Ongoing Developments

Looking ahead, GLL plans to implement further improvements, particularly targeting gym environments at Robinson Pool, John Bunyan, Kempston Pool, and Bedford International. Users can expect to see substantial enhancements in these facilities in the coming weeks and months.

“We are still on a journey here and we’re planning to bring forward lots more improvements to the programmes [on offer],” Kelly added, indicating a continued commitment to elevating the leisure experience in Bedford Borough.