In a dramatic turn of events, a Wixams parish councillor has found himself at the center of a heated controversy. During a packed public meeting, angry residents demanded his resignation, accusing him of racism and misogyny. The councillor, however, has vehemently denied these allegations.

A Volatile Public Meeting

Wixams Councillor Denies Being Racist Or Misogynist As Angry Residents Call For Him To Resign At Packed Meeting


The public meeting, held at the Wixams community center, saw an unprecedented turnout. Residents filled the hall, with many more standing outside hoping to catch snippets of the proceedings. Emotions ran high as one parishioner after another stepped up to voice their grievances against the councillor. Accusations flew thick and fast, with several residents asserting that the councillor had “crossed the line” with his recent remarks.

Councillor's Denial

Confronted with the barrage of accusations, the councillor addressed the assembly, categorically denying any racist or misogynistic intent behind his statements. He stated, "I have always aimed to serve this community with integrity and respect. Any insinuation that I am racist or misogynist is completely untrue and deeply hurtful."

Community Reaction

The councillor’s denial did little to placate the crowd. Chants of "resign" echoed through the hall as tensions continued to escalate. One resident, speaking passionately, said, “We expect our elected representatives to hold themselves to the highest standards. This behaviour is unacceptable and we will not stand for it.”

Next Steps

The parish council announced that an internal review would be conducted to thoroughly investigate the claims made by the residents. They assured the community that appropriate actions would be taken based on the findings of this review.

Meanwhile, local advocacy groups are rallying to ensure that the voices of the residents are heard and that the integrity of the parish council remains intact. The incident has sparked a broader conversation about accountability and representation within local government.


As the investigation unfolds, the Wixams community remains on edge, awaiting the outcome. The incident underscores the importance of transparency and the need for leaders who embody the values of respect and inclusiveness. The councillor's future, along with the trust of the community, hangs in the balance.