We’re being “done over” – Wixams Station Cost Increase Again

The cost of Wixams Station has increased by £3.6 million since the last update – just three weeks ago. Bedford Borough Council’s Executive was informed on 19 June that the cost had already surged by £30 million since the council took on the project in 2018. However, shortly before Wednesday’s (10 July) Full Council Meeting, members received an update indicating a further increase of £3.6 million.

Source : https://www.bedfordindependent.co.uk/were-being-done-over-wixams-station-cost-increase-again/#:~:text=The%20cost%20of%20Wixams%20Station,on%20the%20project%20in%202018.

Background and Recent Developments

Cllr Graeme Coombes (Conservative, Wixams & Wilstead), the portfolio holder for finance & corporate services, explained to members that Network Rail had provided revised figures for the expected capital costs of the Wixams Station project. "I understand the reason for the change in the figures is that Network Rail got details from the subcontractors late," Cllr Coombes said. "The initial costs were estimated by Network Rail, and they’ve actually come in higher than expected."

Cllr Ben Foley (Green, Greyfriars) expressed his frustration: “It feels like the council has been done over, first by inheriting this from Network Rail, then being cut out of revenue sharing, and most recently by a demand for millions of extra money.”

Response and Justification

Cllr Coombes replied: “I don’t know whether I agree with your terminology of ‘done over’, but I do feel sometimes that we are at the behest of others in this clearly major infrastructure project. We are at the behest of Network Rail, the Department for Transport, and others. We’re not wholly in control of the project, nor can we be, because it’s not up to this council to decide where we are going to stick a station on an existing railway line. We just don’t have the ability to make decisions like that, so we have to do it in partnership."

He added, “If this gets taken on by Universal, then that will be a bigger, better station at Wixams, and the council will get some of its CIL money [development funding] back. I take your point, it’s not been easy Cllr Foley, it’s actually been quite difficult and your point is well made.”

Financial Revisions and Agreements

The members agreed to enter an Implementation Agreement with Network Rail for the construction of a two-platform station at the Wixams. They also decided to update the budgeted cost of construction and reallocate £6.431 million of CIL funding to the Wixams Train Station scheme from Sharnbrook Primary and Bromham Road Cycle Bridge. The funding for these two schemes would be replaced by borrowing. The station is due to open in 2026.

By John Guinn,
Local Democracy Reporter